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Script-Top-Screen Production, Post-
Production,& Animation

When we that Entertainment Creative Group is a full-service production company, we mean business. One services run the gamut, taking your production from a seedling of an idea all the way to the big premiere.

Have a rough idea that you need developed? Our team will craft your concept into the very best version of itself!

Already have a fully realized idea, but still need a team to shoot the damn thing? You’ll never have a better on set experience than the one you’ll have on an ECG shoo

Need to put the finishing touches on your already-shot project in post-production or even animation? With 16 on-line edit suites and a roster of seasoned post-production professionals, we’ll get your project through the finish line in record time.

No matter the size, scope, or scalability of the project, ECG always delivers. When you’ve been at it for over 15 years and worked on everything from feature films to training videos, from commercials to corporate overview & everything in between, you know how to get s**t done the right way.

In short; if has anything to do with video production, we know how do it and how to deliver industry-best results. There’s simply no better video production experience than the ECG experience.

For more detailed information, please feel to browse our complete list of service offerings by clicking on the above images

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Studio Rentals

Video Gear Rental

You have an idea and
want to produce it with ECHO?

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